The amazing thing about life is that you never know the exact moment when God is going to change yours. We walk with a plan in our head not knowing if our dreams will come true. Yet amazingly we keep working toward our dreams and goals as if we know that things will come to fruition. We choose colleges, careers, and do all that we can do direct our paths. We, in essence, walk by faith as we make efforts to map out our future.
From a very young age children are asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Some have absolutely no clue but there are those that are able to recite exactly who or what they want to be when they get older. They have a plan. More importantly, God has a plan for us. We may think we are in control as we choose a profession and take the necessary steps to acquire a specific career. The reality is that God has ordered our steps. He places opportunities in front of us and we have to take advantage of whatever He gives us. Our plan may not be the same as His. Sometimes He gives us more than we are capable of dreaming. However, He places things strategically for us to become successful members of society.
For me, my career goal is to minister via song. My purpose is to educate worshippers while also saving lost souls. I have been working solely on ministering through song while educating others for many years. Like a politician prepares for his office, I’ve prepared to minister. I knew from a very young age what God had planned for me. I’ve never been sure when God would direct my path to another level--ministering nationally and internationally--but I have always prepared for that time. That time is now.
Despite the challenges I’ve faced or changes that I’ve had to make, my mind has stayed on my goals. No matter how many times the devil tried to block my path, my focus has never changed. Preparation is the key to success and I am prepared. My entire life is based on my love and faith in God. I know that He is guiding this process as He has directed every aspect of my life. God gave me ample time to prepare and I am ready to see where He plans on taking me.
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