As I stand in the studio perfecting my sound, I realize that I planned for this moment all of my life. From the first time I stood and sang my first song God was preparing me. God was preparing me for this season in my life as He has prepared me for every other season. I’ve been working hard for this moment sometimes wanting it to happen yesterday but knew it wasn’t time.
People are always asking me questions in regard to my singing: why aren’t you overseas sharing the word or why haven’t you done this so you are further along? My answer is always a resounding, “I am exactly where God wants me to be.” No matter how great our desire is things don’t come in our time but in His time. I put in the work through prayer and ministering and now, its God's time for this moment in my life.
God knows my heart. He has prepared me and I am answering His call. I will sing until my last breath knowing that He has afforded me the gift of ministering through song. It is time to stop thinking about it and putting things in to action! Are you ready for an anointing?
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