God has done so many things for me that I couldn’t begin to tell you about it in a blog or in one testimony. If I attempted to do that, it would be an abridged version or similar to a short movie trailer limiting my time and explanation. It wouldn’t do my Jesus any justice. Therefore, because praising God is what I am supposed to do, it is reflected in what the young folks call my “swagger.” Put simply, my praise is reflected in my journey and manifested in my spirit thus exuded in my walk. And if you talk the talk, it must be coupled with the walk or it will have no meaning or truth.
I find praise in all that I do from sunrise to sunset. I praise His name when the warmth of the sun shines through my window in the morning or through the clouds on a gray day. I manage to find sunshine in the midst of each and every storm. I offer thanksgiving as I cook my meals and am encouraged to continually praise His name as He continually blesses me. God has planted my feet in every place I've desired to go as well as in places He has needed me to go. He has allowed me to survive this journey in spite of the road blocks I’ve faced. God has smiled on me and I'll continue to praise His name today, tomorrow and each day that He allows me to be in His service.
I praise Him not because it is a part of who I am but because it is my responsibility. I can never repay God for all He has done for me but I will praise Him until my last breath…